Editor’s Note: Gregg LaMarsh took a February trip to Vancouver Island, Canada. The idea of a Canadian winter didn’t stop him from exploring Canada’s surf capital. What follows is the first part of a quirky two-part series on his trip, with tips, suggestions, and reports based on his recent ramblings around Vancouver Island’s West Coast. […]
A Classic Fish and Chips Recipe
Where the Fish (and Chips) Are Plentiful Living in the UK for a few years, I ate my more than my fair share of fish and chips. That crispy, golden goodness sustained my family and I through countless day trips, pub afternoons, and Now that I am home in the US, it’s a meal I only […]
Read: The Third Plate by Dan Barber
This book review of The Third Plate is the first in a series of travel-related book reviews in Odyssa Magazine. The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food Dan Barber is in Season One of Chef’s Table, a series on Netflix to which I am addicted. I am blown away every episode by the […]
Three Items You Need on a Boat with Kids
By Adria Carey Perez Windblown hair, sun-kissed cheeks, open ocean swimming, and fresh fish for dinner are the dreamy side of the boating coin; the other side is full of, “get away from that edge!” and sun poisoning and the joy of being confined in a small space with your family for a whole day […]